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A quick and spicy rice dish. Tomatoes, peppers and courgette are complimented by a range of herbs and spices. Low fat and low calorie. Great if you are following the fast diet.

  It's smoothie time! This one is a bit special, a real corker in fact. Nectarines, clementines, soft dried apricot, fizzy whi...
I had a break from my 5:2 diet over Christmas and New Year. There were too many meals out with friends, too many drinks and nibbles, ...
I made cauliflower and broccoli in cheese sauce as part of our meal one night, but there was loads left over. Usually Graham would tuck...
Simple sausage roll type snack with a spicy mashed potato and pea filling like a vegetable samosa made with puff pastry. Plant-based, egg-f...
  It's the start of a new year, the holiday is over and it is time to start looking after ourselves.  I am back on my 5:2 diet ...