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Coconut Truffles for World Vegan Day

The first of November is World Vegan Day, the start of World Vegan Month

The first of November was chosen for the celebration, as the coining of the term, ‘vegan’ and the founding of The Vegan Society was in November 1944.

So it seemed fitting that I create a recipe for World Vegan Day. 

The truffles were chocoaltey, coconutty and sumptuous. 

Everything you want from a truffle. 

Both my husband and son loved these truffles and they were gone in a flash. Job well done!!

Note to self, make a much bigger batch next time!

print recipe

Vegan Coconut Truffles
These truffles are suitable for vegans, but no one would be able to guess they were. The are rich and chocolately with a coconut hit.
  • 100g dark chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 2 tbsp soy milk
  • 50g margarine (suitable for vegans)
  • 75g icing sugar
  • 75g desiccated coconut
  • enough coconut to coat the truffles and a shake of sprinkles to add colour
1. Melt chocolate in a bain marie (bowl over simmering water). Make sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water, as this would spoil the chocolate. You could also melt the chocolate at a low setting in a microwave.2. Stir in the margarine until melted, then add the milk, coconut and icing sugar. Mix until well combined and smooth.3. Once cool, roll into balls and roll each ball in coconut and sprinkles.4. Store the truffles in a container between layers of greaseproof paper. These will keep in a cool, dark place for up to a month.Notes: I made 14 truffles, but how many you make will depend on the size.

Total time:
Yield: Make 14 truffles

Here are a few more vegan recipe for you to try:


Main Course




  1. Happy World Vegan Day! Nice round-up of vegan dishes. :)

  2. Now these would make a fantastic addition to Christmas hampers for the girls! thanks for sharing the recipe.

  3. Those look smashing - love the wee coloured dots :D And you are right - no one would guess they were vegan. Thanks for letting us know that it's Vegan Month. Somehow I never know about these things until after they have happened. Do you know who sets these dates? Curious.

    1. I usually miss these things too Kellie, not sure how I heard of this one.

  4. Ooh I love a truffle and these looks scrumptious - I'm thinking they'd be wonderful for Christmas as well.

  5. Thanks for sharing a list of vegan recipes. There are a couple of ways to make vegan truffles, and they taste pretty good. Have you ever tried making them with nut butter? It's a nice way to add flavor too.

    1. Haven't tried that yet, but I will keep it in mind. Really must try making nut butters now I have a vitamix.

  6. I missed the chocolate the first time I read the ingredients and was wondering to myself how they would work! They look great Jacs :)

  7. Yummy!Just goes to show that vegan food can taste great with a bit of imagination!

  8. You shoud enter the next time for the Vegan Virtual Potluck! You can read all about it at Even if you arez not a vegan , you could enter with a vegan dish , in the category, you selected! I entered too. This was my entry :
    Here you will find the list of the categoeries & the bloggers:
    It was such fun! Take part next time! It will give you a lot of vegan trafiic to your blog!

    By the way, your vegan chocolate truffles rock!! MMMMM!

  9. They look lovely Jac - and the little coloured sprinkles add a nice visual contrast. Is it difficult making different meals for Graham and then yourself and Cooper? Hope it's all going well, it seems a big decision to make.

    1. It isn't too bad, many of my meals are vegan, I have found or easily adapted, but sometimes I just want macaroni cheese!!

  10. Vegan chocolate truffles is a great dessert idea for my vegan friends: I always find difficult to think of a egg-less dessert!

    1. Good, I am glad I have inspired you Rita. Have a look at my chocolate mousse made with tofu too.

  11. I don't know how I stumbled on your blog but i did. And your recipes and food are amazing. I used to live in Gorebridge once, anywhere near you. I am so trying those Vegan Coconut Truffles.

    1. Thanks Lilly, no I am nowhere near there,I am up in Dundee. Hope you enjoy the truffles :)

  12. am very behind with my blog reading - love these truffles esp the sprinkles - and thanks for including some links too - that's fine to give me your parcel when we meet - I am very disorganised and busy with work this week but will try and get in touch soon


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