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Vegan Cupcakes with Faux Buttercream

Maple flavoured vegan cupcakes topped with faux buttercream, sprinkles and sweeties.

Close up of Vegan Cupcakes with Faux Buttercream topped with sprinkles and jelly tots


Like cupcakes?

They're just a bit of fun aren't they?  Well they are, but they aren't all froth you know. This is a serious business! They have to be vegan and you have to get them right.

They have to pass my child's taste test.

A row of Vegan Cupcakes with peach coloured faux buttercream topped with sprinkles and jelly tots


My son is always eager to do a spot of baking, so when I said we were going to make cupcakes together, he said he would like to make some for his daddy.

As you know by now my husband is vegan, so vegan cupcakes they had to be, but I felt they still needed buttercream, even if it had to be faux buttercream.

My cupcakes are flavoured with maple syrup.

There's just something a bit special about maple syrup, isn't there and it brings a great flavour to these cupcakes. More maple recipes to come.

print recipe

Vegan Cupcakes with Faux Buttercream
A maple flavoured cupcake topped with faux buttercream, sprinkles and sweeties.
  • 125 ml soy milk
  • ½ tsp white wine vinegar
  • 125 ml maple syrup
  • 85 ml rapeseed or sunflower oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 225g plain flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • a pinch of salt
1. Preheat the oven to 180c/160c fan/350f/gas mark 4.2. Line a cupcake or muffin tray with 12 cases. 3. Mix all the wet ingredients and set aside for a few minutes.4. Sieve the dry ingredients together in another bowl, then pour in the wet ingredients and mix together until just combined.5. Dollop spoonfuls of the mixture into the cases, then bake for 20-25 minutes until golden.6. Move to a cooling rack and once cool, decorate with faux buttercream, sprinkles and sweeties.7. Enjoy!
Total time:
Yield: 12 cupcakes


I didn't add the recipe for buttercream, as it is a dollop, then a sprinkle kind of a thing.

Just take a large dollop of dairy free spread, then add icing sugar, beat it in, and keep adding more until the texture is right. I added some food colouring right at the beginning, and a little splosh of soy milk at the end to loosen it up a bit for piping.

Honestly, it is dead simple. just keep beating. You don't need a recipe.


  1. They are gorgeous! SO pretty!! and a great recipe without all that dairy!
    Mary x

    1. Thanks Mary and yes, they are great for anyone really :)

  2. I wish I could be a judge in a cupcake contest:D

    1. It's a tough job Val, but someone has to do it ;)

  3. these sound lovely - I am not good at vanilla baking but this is just the sort of basic cupcake recipe that would stand me in good stead - I also like the look of the slideshow - looks like useful software

    1. It is a useful one to have Johanna, Ricki taught me the basics of a good vegan cupcakes years ago, but mine are a bit different from hers. She uses spelt flour, hemp seeds and a couple of other ingredients.

  4. Oh they look fab. I only just realised that you were vegetarian/vegan the other day. I can't believe I've been reading your blog for so long and not clocked. All your stuff is fab :)

    1. That is a real compliment Becs! I want to create food that everyone will love, be they meat eaters, veggie or vegan.

  5. wow awesome cupcakes...lovely clicks....and luv the addition of maple syrup....
    Anu's Healthy Kitchen - Herb Garden Chicken Pizza

    1. Thanks Anu, the maple syrup really shines through :)

  6. Its so lovely that you are teaching your son to cook from such a young age.

  7. The cup cakes look really great, such a simple recipe.I love the adfition of the maple syrup.

  8. Oh, my. I definitely want to enter this! (And since you're judging, that's one tough competitor out of the picture ;) )


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