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Banoffee Trifle - An Easy Christmas Dessert

Easy Banoffee Trifle. An easy dessert that will impress your guests. Perfect for Christmas and other special occasions.

Banoffee Trifle

Banoffee Trifle - An Easy Christmas Dessert

We may be trying to deny it, but Christmas is definitely hurtling towards us at great speed.

I don't know what happened this year. 

I'm usually super organised and have most of my gifts by now and know exactly what everyone else is getting. 

This year I haven't even made a list made yet and I have no idea what I'm going to buy anyone other than Cooper.

Knowing how unorganised I am this year, you may be surprised to hear I'm trying out Christmas desserts for the big day.

quick Christmas dessert

I'm determined to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible this year.

I always miss all the fun with Cooper on Christmas Day and he's growing up so fast.

I thought we might go out for Christmas dinner, but when I saw the paltry veggie and vegan choices I gave up on that idea and decided preparing ahead and simplicity would be the way to go.

I've been working with Gresado lately. On online shop that's been supplying top notch products to chefs in London for over 40 years.

They've now opened their doors to home cooks and they kindly sent me a Panettone to try.

Well that got me thinking of Christmas desserts and I had that eureka moment. A banoffee trifle!

Quick, easy and indulgent! Tick, tick, tick!

Christmas Trifle

You could make one big trifle, but I rather like making individual portions in glasses. 

Why not try it out before Christmas and decide if it's perfect for your Christmas day too.

Check out my Ultimate Veggie Christmas Guide with all the recipes and tips you could need for a vegetarian or vegan Christmas.

Looking for a more traditional banoffee recipe? Try my Quick Banoffe PieCheats Banoffee Pie or my Lower Calorie Banofee Pie.

For a quick sweet treat, try my 3 Ingredient Chocolate Fudge.

print recipe
Christmas dessert
Banoffee Trifle
An easy dessert that will impress your guests. Perfect for Christmas and other special occasions.

  • ½ panettone
  • 12 tbsp apple juice
  • 397g/1 ¼ cups caramel condensed milk
  • 3 bananas
  • 500g/2 ¼ cups ready made custard
  • 300 ml/1 ½ cups whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp chocolate sprinkles
1. Slice the panettone and add a layer to the bottom of each glass 
2. Drizzle each layer of cake with 2 tbsp apple juice. 
3. Top with a layer of Caramel and a few slices of banana. 
4. Next add a layer of custard.   
5. Whip the cream until thick. You may add a little sugar before you whip, if you like. I piped my layer of cream, but you could just spoon it on, it would taste just as good. 
6. Finish with slices of banana and chocolate spinkles.
7. Pop in the fridge until you are ready for them. I'll be making mine on Christmas Eve along with my soup.
8. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Total time:  
Yield: 6 individual trifles


  1. I love a trife, so easy to make and really delicious. Your different glasses and jars really set off this dessert.

  2. Great idea for a simple Christmas pudding, nothing worse than spending all day slaving in the kitchen missing all the fun. I still haven't figured out all of my festive food ideas yet, better get planning!

    1. Yes Jen, it's going to be here before we know it.

  3. Wow - great idea for panettone! This sounds amazing. I, too, am totally behind on Christmas this year - must get organised as well!

    1. It's really good Kate. Cooper loves it. I know.Must get organised!

  4. What a great idea for a simple but delicious sounding pudding. I love banoffee and the Christmas-y addition of panettone sounds fab.

  5. That looks like a great reason to eat in on christmas day - love it - would be fantastic in our summer Christmas too. I am feeling pretty disorganised too but keep telling myself there are lots of days left :-)

    1. Thanks Johanna. I could do with a bit of your summer right now. This winter is getting me down :(

  6. YUM! The perfect festive indulgence :)
    Janie x

  7. Oh I wish I actually liked bananas... Love the toffee element of a banoffee pie, but not so much the bananas ;) Love the idea of mini trifles in jars!

    1. Maybe just as a toffee dessert for you then Jeanne :)

  8. I agree with you that sometimes we are so busy cooking we miss out on the fun times with t e kiddoes and family. Love easy desserts so I am all over this one.

    1. I will try my best to have more fun with Cooper this year. Glad you like m dessert :)

  9. This looks delicious! But is also very elegant, perfect for the Christmas dinner! :) P.S. if you like panettone you have to try Pandoro too! ;)

    1. Oh I shall look that one up Michela. Thanks for the tip :)

  10. I can't resist trifle - and I love this version.

  11. Trilfes are just the ultimate festive dessert - so easy to put together in advance and keep in the fridge! They just look so jolly too! I'm loving your banoffee spin... delish!

  12. I love anything that is banoffee flavour and I have a soft spot for 'retro' desserts too, so this recipe is right up my street. Such a great idea to use panettone too! Yum.


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