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Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup

A luxurious winter soup warmed with spices and finished off with coconut milk. Luxurious but low calorie. Only 171 calories per bowl (6 portions or 128 calories per bowl (8 portions).

A bowl of Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup

Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup

I think I'm pretty organised for Christmas. The decorations are up and the presents are bought.

I've decided what we're having for Christmas dinner and now I just have to do a food shop and wrap those presents while watching a Christmas movie. Then I can just sit back and enjoy the holiday. 

I still need to decide which soup I'll be serving as our starter, so  I decided to try out a new recipe.

This soup has some of the best winter vegetables, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and carrots. A lot of sweetness and depth of flavour paired with some warmth from spice.

To give it that luxurious finish I added coconut milk at the end and blended it, but not until it was completely smooth. I always think you need a bit of texture in a soup, don't you?

Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup #soup #vegansoup #vegan #butternutsquash #sweetpotato #carrots

A close up of Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup with crusty bread.

Just in case you're as nosey as I am, I'll tell you a little bit about our Christmas. 

Sometimes I have a house full of guests with one or both sets of parents here, but this year it will just be the three of us and my brother-in-law Lachlan

In the morning the boy will run through to tell us that Santa has been, trailing his stocking behind him.

Thankfully he doesn't get up at the crack of dawn like other children. So it will be between 7 am and 8 am which is fine.

We'll enjoy having a look through his stocking gifts and talk about Santa's visit, then we'll all have a quick shower and get ready to meet the day.

Love butternut squash? Try this slow cooker squash, sweet potato & bean chilli.

Jolly Christmas music plays all day (I prefer the rat pack and crooners to the modern tunes). We don't really put the tv on, not even for the Queen's speech. 

We start with a leisurely breakfast, then tidy up before Lachlan arrives mid morning when we take turns opening presents, while sipping bucks fizz (fruit juice for the boy) joined by both sets of grandparents on Skype.

We skip lunch and have an early dinner. We pull our Christmas crackers, toast each other and enjoy our starter, then we take a break to relax before sitting down to our main course and dessert.

A dog walk wakes us up again and after dinner we play board games until the boy goes to bed (much later than normal).

Once he and his boundless energy are tucked into bed, we're feeling pretty tired and at that point we usually put the TV on and chill out until Lachlan heads home and we give in and go to bed.

It's always fun and always exhausting.
                                                   *      *          *      *   
                                       *       *         *      *         *        *
*  How do you spend Christmas Day?  *
*   *       *      *       *      *   *      *     *  *
*    *  Leave me a comment and share your Christmas rituals with us.    *     *

An overhead shot of butternut, sweet potato and carrot soup.

Luxurious low calorie soup

This soup is luxurious but low calorie, so great if you are watching your weight before the festive over indulgence. Good for the 5:2 Diet too.  It comes in at only 128 calories if you divide the pot into 8 bowls or 171 calories if divided into 6 portions. You can also lower the fat by using light coconut milk.

Yield: 6-8

Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup

A luxurious winter soup warmed with spices and finished off with coconut milk. Luxurious but low calorie. Only 171 calories per bowl (6 portions or 128 calories per bowl (8 portions).
prep time: 10 MINScook time: 30 MINStotal time: 40 mins


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 tsp ginger, finely grated 
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 3 large carrots, chopped
  • 1 large sweet potato, chopped
  • ½ butternut squash, cubed
  • ½ tsp chilli powder
  • 1 ½  litres vegetable stock (3 stock cubes)
  • 1-2 tbsp frozen coriander (or a handful of fresh, chopped)
  • 200ml coconut milk
  • a good grinding of salt and pepper


  1. In a large pan saute the onion, garlic and ginger in the olive oil until soft.
  2. Add the sweet potato, carrots and butternut squash and cook gently for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the spices and stir, then add the stock. Bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer and cooker for 20-30 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
  4. Stir in the coriander and coconut milk and blend a little to thicken, but don't blend completely smooth.
  5. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Enjoy!
fat (grams)
sat. fat (grams)
carbs (grams)
protein (grams)
sugar (grams)
Created using The Recipes Generator

If you are still planning your Christmas meal, check out my Veggie Christmas Page. If you are looking for some tasty shortcuts, drinks and nibbles check out my guide to Christmas at M&S and if you are just looking for easy but hearty winter meals check out 48 Easy Winter Vegan Meals.


  1. Your Christmas sounds lovely. Hope you have a great Christmas and new year. Sylvia has been up late so much lately I can't imagine her getting up early - and we sort of need to as we go to my parents after breakfast for presents. But we have a big family lunch and then sit about playing games or watching telly or reading in the afternoon. I like the sound of your soup and how organised you sound - I am still reeling from busy days at work and only just finished up yesterday. But getting there.

    1. That sounds like a great day too Johanna. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.

  2. 7 to 8 a.m. is a pretty reasonable Christmas wakeup for someone with a kid that age in the house! We are mixing up our traditions this year, as there is snow forecast for Christmas morning. Thus we are doing our typical Christmas morning gift exchange with my parents / siblings this morning instead. Will spread out the Christmas activities a bit, as later Christmas day there is always a big extended family gathering.

    Love your soup! I've haven't tried butternut and sweet potatoes together in one soup but suspect I'd like it.

    1. We have rain rather than snow at the moment. We had a really cold patch where everything was icy and the temperatures really dropped, but it seems to be getting a little warmer each day which is odd for Scotland in December. It's 12 degrees here when we'd usually be looking at -2. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and get around to trying the soup sometime.

  3. This soup looks delicious and so comforting ♥ Can't wait to make it!

  4. This sounds like the perfect soup for to one of year!

  5. This soup looks delicious! I'm with you on liking to keep a little texture in my soups.

  6. This year we will be spending Christmas swimming in our pool. It will be in the 70's here in Florida. Your soup is full of so much flavor. Sounds delicious.

    1. That sounds amazing although it wouldn't feel like Christmas to me.

  7. This soup was amazing! But, I was wondering, have you ever froze it to have at a later time? We followed the recipe exactly as you did it.

    1. We tend to eat it over a couple of days so it never reaches the freezer. It should freeze ok though. So glad you enjoyed it.


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