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Blackberry & Apple Slushies

Cooling blackberry and apple slushies made in a blender.

blackberry slush puppie

Blackberry & Apple Slushies

Blackberry and apple slushies yum!

I've been whizzing up a lot of quick recipes in my power blender.

Green Smoothie Soup and Rich Tomato Soup for dinner, Lime Curd to fill a Victoria sponge cake. 

I whizzed up beans for Spicy 3 Bean Sausage Rolls and I made some delicious Pink Pineapple Smoothies to drink.

And today these gorgeous pink slushies.


Since we've had some beautiful hot days, my mind turns to recipes to help cool us down.

I took inspiration from Stuart (Cakeyboi) who made some lush Fresh Orange Slushies, I decided to have a go myself.

I decided to make some blackberry slushies as blackberries are in season at the moment here in Scotland and I added some apple as they go together so well.

These jewel coloured slushies really hit the spot.

There are some tiny seeds in the slushies, but I quite like that. 

If you don't, whizz the blackberries first and strain through muslin to remove the teeny seeds. 

I also added some agave nectar as the blackberries were quite tart, but that is also optional.

Let's hope the good weather continues.

Quick blackberry and chocolate cake

Quick Blackberry and Chocolate Cake

If you love the flavour of blackberries, try my quick blackberry and chocolate cake

Made in under 30 minutes, it's suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 

It's dairy-free, egg-free and utterly decadent.

print recipe

Blackberry & Apple Slushies

July 27, 2014

A fruit slushie made with fresh fruit and lots of ice. Simple, quick, fresh and refreshing. Just add a straw.

  • 225g blackberries
  • 300ml apple juice
  • 2 tsp agave nectar (or honey)
  • lots of ice

1. Wash the blackberries then add to them blender with the apple juice and agave. 

2. Add ice until the blender it ¾ full and whizz until you have a slushie consistency. 

3. Add a straw and enjoy! 

notes: Only blend if you have a powerful enough blender. If your blender isn't powerful, the motor may burn out.


Total time:

Yield: Serves 4-6

If you need a powerful blender in your life like mine. Buy one quickly while it's on sale at the introductory offer of £329.

Here are a few more slushies for you to try:

Disclosure: I am reviewing the Optimum 9400 and I'm loving it so far. I wasn't expected to write a positive review and any opinions expressed are my own.


  1. How refreshing, blackberries and apples work so well together and I had no idea slushies were so simple to make. Thank you

    1. They are, I know it was a revelation to me too. I will be making lots of them this summer.

  2. oooh wow, these really look extra special.. the colour is so superb and nothing beats the apple and blackberry combo!

    1. Thanks Dom and yes I was pleased with the gorgeous colour!

  3. Ooooo that slushy looks so refreshing, especially on a hot sunny day.

    1. It was, I am converted! And it reminds me of eating Slush Puppies as a child.

  4. These look beautiful and a lovely refreshing way to cool down since it's been so hot. Loving the new look on the blog, gorgeous illustrations x

    1. Thanks Becs, I am getting used to the new look now :)

  5. Thanks for the shout out Jac! And these look absolutely fresh and delicious :)

  6. Mmmm, summer heaven! Did you know in old days Londoners used to use wooden pips to fake Strawberry and berry jams as the real fruit were so expensive?

    1. Now, that is a brilliant factoid! Sheer madness.

  7. Here is to warm weather and lots more slushies like this one.

  8. Oooh, have to try. How about omitting the ice and using frozen raspberries instead? Would the flavour be too intense?

    1. It would be rather intense Michelle, maybe more of a fruit sorbet than a drink.

  9. Looks good Jac, but suspect my blender wouldn't be up to it.

    1. Ahh maybe not. Best not chance it and always stop blending if you smell burning or smoky smell.

  10. Oooh yum! Blackberry and apple sounds amazing! I love my blender as well. It's so easy to make amazing, healthy concoctions.

    1. It really is. I love it too. Thing are just made in a flash.

  11. Great recipe. I tried and it was delectable. Thanks!

  12. A lovely use of blackberries!


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