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Paprika Spiced Cauliflower with Four Cheese Dip

Spiced cauliflower with a super easy four-cheese dip that's great for using up bits of leftover cheese and utterly delicious.

Paprika Spiced Cauliflower with Four Cheese Dip

Ready for a treat?

Cauliflower roasted with smoked paprika and flax seeds served with a hot and gooey four cheese dip.

It's a bit like cauliflower cheese, but this one is great as a starter or snack. 

Was it good? Oh yes!

It's such a pity Graham is vegan, he would have loved this before he went dairy free and it's a great sharing dish. 

I'll have to see if I can make him an equally good vegan dip

He did enjoy the spiced cauliflower on it's own.

I didn't go fancy on the cheese either, I just had a look in the fridge. 

Some leftover brie, half a ball of mozzarella, some Philadelphia cheese and cheddar. 

You could really use any cheese you have in your fridge, although the Philadelphia makes it creamy and the mozzarella gives it that gooey stretch.

Go on! You know you want to.

pin it for later

Paprika Spiced Cauliflower with Four Cheese Dip

Cauliflower Recipes

Here are a few more cauliflower recipes for you to enjoy:

Vegan Shepherdess Pie with a Creamy Cauliflower Mash - Elizabeth's Kitchen Diary 
Hidden Cauliflower Cheese Pasta Sauce - Elizabeth's Kitchen Diary 
Red Rice and Italianesque Vegetable Salad - Fuss Free Flavours
Cauliflower Cake - Smarter Fitter
Cauliflower Cheese Soup with Broccoli - Tinned Tomatoes 
Balsamic and Garlic Roasted Cauliflower  - Hungry Happy Healthy

print recipe
Fridge Vegetable Soup
Paprika Spiced Cauliflower with Four Cheese Dip
Spiced cauliflower with a super easy four cheese dip that's great for using up bits of leftover cheese.

  • 1 cauliflower
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp flax seeds (linseeds)
  • a good grinding of black pepper
  • 60g brie, cut off the rind
  • 30g cheddar, grated
  • ½ ball mozzarella, torn into pieces
  • 2 tbsp Philadelphia Soft Cheese
1. Preheat the oven to 400 f/200 c/180 c fan/gas 6.2. Rinse the cauliflower and break into florets.3. Toss the florets with the oil, paprika, flax seeds and black pepper, then pop in a roasting pan and cook for 15 minutes until tender and browning at the edges. Leave it a little longer if you like.4. Mash all the cheese together in a small bowl and season with black pepper.5. Place the cheese in a small ovenproof dish and bake alongside the cauliflower6. Serve the cauliflower on a plate forks for two and the hot gooey dip7. Enjoy!
Total time:
Yield: Serves 2


  1. Good gracious. I would be sure to enjoy this. So often I wished we lived closer, so we could share food, thoughts and hugs. xo

  2. This is lovely! Lynne would adore this. Pinning this. Thanks!

  3. I love paprika and cheese, they go so well together. Pass the crudites!

    1. They do and it would be good with other crudites.

  4. OMG... it's only half past breakfast and now you have my tummy rumbling! This looks like my cheese-o-phile idea of heaven on a chilly night, and roast cauliflower is always a favourite in my house. Bookmarked!

    1. I know I was the same this morning looking at food blogs. It's a dangerous business.

  5. Oooh that sounds fab! Perfect for Mr Glam on a cold night. I love sharing food. GG

  6. OMG YES YES YES I *DO* WANT TO. However, I shall enjoy the plain nekkid paprika roasted cauliflower sans cheese because I am far too rotund at the moment. But one day, for a special treat, I AM HAVING THE CHEEEEEEEEESE!!!

    1. Oh it is good Rachel. I m trying to watch what I eat too, so I only had a few pieces. Cheese and wine are my downfall.

  7. Looks great! and I love those food porn cheese pics!!!

  8. Heavenly! Don't tell graham but it sounds like a reason not to go vegan! Though I agree you could make some amazing vegan dips for the cauli.

    1. I know I'll have to think of a dip for him. Actually I could make a creamy cauliflower dip with mustard and nutritional yeast for the cheesey flavour.

  9. This looks incredible! Can't wait to try it.

  10. I am a fan of roasted vegetables and dips. So simple and so healthy for you. Love this J.

    1. Thanks Bintu, it was gorgeous, but quite calorific.

  11. This looks unbelievable Jac! I'm a total cheese fiend, and I've been loving cauliflower lately too. YUM :)

    1. Thanks Becca, I thought you would like it. I know how much you love cheese.

  12. Mmmm..was going to make regular cauliflower gratin with meatballs this week but might have to try this recipe instead.

  13. This looks amazing, I'm definitely going to have to make this!

  14. Oh goodness, look at that stringy cheese! I am extremely tempted and pinning this for later.

  15. Oh crikey! I really, really do want to! Looks AMAZING.


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