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Scottish Raspberry & Mint Cider Cooler

A summery cocktail with the flavours of raspberries, mint and apple cider. A simple cocktail that can be made in a glass or a jug for sharing. Free printable recipe.

A tall glass of Scottish Raspberry & Mint Cider Cooler

A Scottish Summer

We've had a wonderful summer here in Scotland and that's a rare thing. We've had sunshine all through May and June and it looks like it's going to last through July too.

Typically a Scottish summer is a dreich affair with lots of rain and the occasional sunny day. So this year we can't believe our luck and we're all outside as much as possible.

We've even hit some of our highest temperatures in June for 23 years, with the waterproof coating of the Glasgow Science Centre melting into black gloop that ran down the sides in the 31 degree heat.

Making the most of a Scottish summer

BBQs and picnics are happening everywhere and everyone is a bit pink and wearing a lot less clothes than usual. It's a lot of fun, but can be a wee bit eye-opening! Yes some people go a bit to far with the stripping off and wearing scanty clothes when they see a bit of sunshine.

Close up of Scottish Raspberry & Mint Cider Cooler

Summer drinks

I've shared a lot of lighter food like wraps and salads lately, which would be great for sharing at a picnic or for a lunch enjoyed outdoors, but this time around I thought I would share my new fruity cider cocktail, which would be great to share with friends in the garden or at a BBQ.

I don't think you can get more summery than chilled cider, raspberries and mint.

This simple cocktail can be made in the glass or in a jug to share. I made enough in my recipe for two using one can of cider, but you can scale it up or down to suit.

Love this one? Try Polish Raspberry Lager.

Cider - a soft drink or alcoholic?

Here in the UK cider is an alcoholic drink made with fermented apples (and sometimes other fruit, pear cider is very popular here too). If it's non-alcoholic ie just squeezed juice we call in fruit juice or more specifically apple juice.

I believe in America apple cider is a soft drink and hard cider is alcoholic.

So again there is confusion between our two great nations.

Elsewhere? I have no idea, so do let me know what you call apple juice and cider.

M&S Summer cider range
I used Weston's Laid Back Cider from M&S for my cocktail which comes from Westons who have been making cider since 1880,  but they also have a new Bramley Apple and Pear Cider from Woolten Farm which you could also use.

Summer Drinks Range at M&S

A selection of M&S summer craft beers in cans

Marks and Spencer have a whole range of Craft Beers and Ciders in their summer range from golden ales, to fruit beer, pale ale, porter, IPA and lager. All in 330ml cans in pretty summer colours.

They all cost £2 each apart from the Laid Back Cider which is £1.60 and are perfect for BBQs and picnics.

Use your loaf!

The Earl Grey Pale Ale and the Raspberry Fruit Beer are part of the Use Our Loaf range which are made from surplus crusts from the M&S sandwich factory, which I think is such a cool idea and cuts down on waste, which has to be a good thing.

Gin, fizz and soft drinks

M&S also have two small batch colour-changing gins in their summer range. 

British Rose or British Lavender Dry Gin, as well as a range of fizzsummer cordials and sparkling summer soft drinks including Sparkling Raspberry & Elderflower Pink Lemonade, Sparkling Rhubarb Ginger Beer (which I missed last time, but am definitely buying on my next visit) and Sparkling Summer Cup Mocktail. 

BBQ inspiration  = 

also check out my recipe index - Vegan BBQ Ideas & Recipes

Scottish Raspberry & Mint Cider Cooler

Making Scottish Raspberry & Mint Cider Coolers

How to make this cider cooler

Simply add the raspberry cordial (I used M&S Scottish Raspberry Cordial) to the glass or jug (depending on how much you are making) and top with a handful of fresh raspberries. Next add a few sprigs of fresh mint and ice cubes, then top up with chilled cider.

For the best flavour use a cocktail stirrer or long dessert spoon to mix well and smoosh (I think the technical term is muddle) the raspberries and mint a little, so you can really taste the flavours.

It's fruity and cooler with a little fizz. Just perfect as a summer drink.

Make it non-alcoholic

To make it non-alcoholic you can use sparkling apple juice instead of cider. Which is great for the kids. Just add a stripey paper straw before serving and watch their faces light up when they are passed their own cocktail (mocktail).

Close up of Scottish Raspberry & Mint Cider Cooler Cocktail

cocktail, cider cocktail, raspberry cocktail, apple cider, raspberry cordial, summer cocktail
drink, alcohol, cocktail
cocktail, Scottish, British, English
Yield: 2 cocktails
Scottish Raspberry & Mint Cider Cooler

Scottish Raspberry & Mint Cider Cooler

A summery cocktail with the flavours of raspberries, mint and apple cider. A simple cocktail that can be made in a glass or a jug for sharing.
prep time: 3 minscook time: total time: 3 mins


  • 200ml / 1 cup raspberry cordial
  • 100g raspberries
  • 8 ice cubes
  • 6-8 sprigs fresh mint
  • 330ml / 1  3/4 cup cider


  1. Pour the cordial evenly between two glasses.
  2. Top each glass with half the raspberries, ice cubes and mint.
  3. Top up each glass with cider.
  4. Stir and smoosh the raspberries.
  5. Serve.
  6. Enjoy!


To make a large jugful for a BBQ or party, just increase the quantities and serve in a large jug. Add raspberries and mint to each glass so each person has some in their drink.
fat (grams)
carbs (grams)
protein (grams)
sugar (grams)
Created using The Recipes Generator

Strawberry Summer Sip Cocktail

If you like this summer cocktail, you may also like my Strawberry Summer Sip Cocktail, which is also perfect for BBQs and parties.

Disclosure: I created my cocktail and shared the summer drinks range at M&S as part of a paid promotion. I was not expected to write a positive review and any opinions expressed are my own.


  1. I love raspberry cocktails! This is so perfect and fresh for summertime!

  2. Yes it's such a summery flavour and the cocktail is so nice.

  3. This looks so refreshing - and pretty too! I'd love to try some of those craft beers and ciders, they sound great!

    1. Thanks and yes I can definitely vouch for the cider. Good in the cocktail and on it's own.

  4. Sounds so light and refreshing! Cheers!

  5. What a refreshing drink! I love the flavors and M&S looks like they have everything! Your explanation for cider was very interesting too. Thanks!

    1. Yes M&S is pretty much a one-stop place for food. Always lovely quality too. I thought I better talk about the difference and what I used, as it can be confusing.

  6. I am pretty sure I would absolutely love this drink and need a pitcher full. I love how pretty it looks also great shot!

  7. Glad you are enjoying the heat - my memories of a heat wave in Scotland wasn't good as there wasn't the air conditioning I am used to in Australia. However sunshine is good for improving mood - and for enjoying picnics and lovely drinks like this - I have always used cider for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks but interesting to hear it is different in the UK - maybe that is why I had a few odd looks in scottish pubs! And I like the sound of M&S's use your loaf range - what a great idea

    1. It is nice to have a decent summer for a change. I think we are definitely due it after all the bad summers. Yes the loaf range is a fabulous idea.

  8. I've not been to M&S for ages but I'm always impressed with their drinks range - will definitely be going to check out thees craft ciders and colour changing gins!!! Fab recipe too :)

    1. Oh yes do they look so good and so much choice. Thanks :)

  9. This looks perfect for this gorgeous weather we are having. I love cider but have never thought to add it to other ingredients to create this type of drink. Will definitely give it a go.

    1. Oh yes do try cider in a cocktail, it is really good.

  10. That range of flavoured ciders looks great and an excellent base for a refreshing summery cocktail!

    1. Yes they are rather good, I am looking forward to trying more of the beers too. The sparkling fruit juice is gorgeous.


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